I really like these. Alber Elbaz for Lanvin. Do I have to say more? I imagine this is what Marie Antoinette or a russian czarina would wear if they lived to day. They are so cool in a vintage-futuristic kind of way. I would love to see the green one on a woman like Eva Green. Very femme fatale. The white one would be great on Natalie Portman or some one like Keira Knightley.
The mix of the old school bijouterie with diamonds and pearls, plexiglass, screws and silk is just great. Alber Elbaz really knows what he is doing.
And speaking of the little black dress (previous post) I think these necklaces would be a great choice of accessory. A very simple dress and then spice it up with a beautiful necklace. I want one! I just think that if I want one I need to work from now until christmas 2009!
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